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How To be Perfect... | Bite Sized Project Management Thought from Winston Churchill
Success usually comes to... | Bite Sized Project Management Thought from Henry David Thoreau
To Be in the Majority | Bite Sized Project Management Thought from G H Hardy
Fight a Battle More than Once | Bite Sized Project Management Thought from Margaret Thatcher
Think Fast! The Top 10 Ways to Respond Quickly ...yet Insightfully
You are Your Choices | Bite Sized Project Management Thought from Seneca
Committing to Be a Professional Project Manager
Time to Think: The Next Bend Process
To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often. Winston Churchill (1874-1965)#educratias
Winston Churchill Project
To improve is to change, so.... | Winston Churchill | Winston Churchill Quotes | inspirational Quote
To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often. - Winston Churchill Quotes